Transporte Hotel Punta Faro lanchas rápidas

Dear passengers,


We are thrilled to welcome you aboard the speedboat service of Punta Faro Hotel. Here, you'll find essential information to ensure that your journey to the beautiful Isla Múcura is safe and enjoyable.

Mapa cómo llegar

During approximately 1 hour and 55 minutes, you will experience a unique voyage. Departing from Cartagena Bay, we will navigate through the Rosario and San Bernardo Corals National Natural Park, enjoying the coastal views of Barú. We will provide you with refreshing beverages on board, and ultimately, we will head northwest to reach the stunning Isla Múcura.

With over 25 years of experience in passenger maritime transportation, our vessels adhere to rigorous safety standards, providing you with complete peace of mind.

In regard to weather conditions, we want to assure you that in the event of high waves, your safety will not be compromised. However, it's important to follow these instructions:


  • Passengers under 10 years of age should sit in the inner benches.


  • All passengers must wear their life jackets throughout the journey.


  • While the boat is in motion, please refrain from standing up, leaning over the rail, or throwing waste into the sea.


  • If you need assistance or feel uncomfortable, please raise your hand, and we will be happy to help.


  • Please remember that consuming alcoholic beverages on board is prohibited.


  • Access will not be granted to individuals under the influence of alcohol.

We appreciate your choice to travel with Punta Faro. Prepare to disconnect from the world and enjoy an unforgettable vacation. Our goal is to ensure your experience is pleasant and secure at all times.

Welcome to this marvelous journey to Isla Múcura!

Warm regards,


The speedboat crew of Punta Faro Hotel.